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Англо-русский словарь - sell


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Перевод с английского языка sell на русский

 а) продавать с торгов Jims father was sold up because he owed so much money.
 б) распродать Im thinking of selling up and leaving the country; its impossible to make a living here.
 1. v.
 1) продавать(ся); the house is to sell - дом продается; to sell like wildfire (или hot cakes) - быть нарасхват (о товаре); These leather coats should sell at/for $100. I dont want to sell the house at a loss.
 2) торговать
 3) рекламировать; популяризовать
 4) coll. обманывать, надувать; разыгрывать
 5) предавать (родину, дело и т.п.)
 6) amer.; coll. внушать (мысль); уговаривать, убеждать - sell off - sell on - sell oneself - sell out - sell short - sell up Im not sold on this - я от этого отнюдь не в восторге - sell the pass
 2. noun coll. надувательство, обман
SELL a pup coll. надуть кого-л. при продаже
SELL at a loss продавать в убыток;
SELL off распродавать со скидкой The store is selling off their old television sets to make room for the latest models.
SELL on уговорить, уломать couldnt I sell you on one more coffee? неужели вы не выпьете еще чашку кофе? Is the director completely sold on the idea of combining the two firms?
SELL oneself
 а) coll. заниматься саморекламой; уметь подать себя; завоёвывать авторитет If you want to advance in the world of business, you have to know how to sell yourself.
 б) продавать себя, продаваться (обыкн. о женщинах) She became so poor that she was forced to sell herself for a living.
SELL out
 а) продать, распродать Have you sold out all the tickets yet?
 б) продать (в чужие руки); ликвидировать (фирму) Greens in the High Street are selling out.
 в) coll. предать кого-л.; стать предателем The officer was charged with selling out to the enemy.
SELL short
 а) comm. играть на понижение, продавать на срок товары или ценные бумаги, которых нет в наличии Selling short is a risky practice in these days of difficulties in obtaining supplies.
 б) coll. обманывать; предавать; подводить (кого-л.) The children were sold short by their parents.
 в) подрывать авторитет (страны и т.п.); наносить урон (престижу и т.п.) Take care that you dont sell his suggestion short, it could save the firm a lot of money.
SELL the pass обмануть доверие; изменить своему делу, совершить предательство
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См. в других словарях

  1. разг. умение торговать, показать товар лицом hard sell —- навязывание товара; настойчивое рекламирование; броская (навязчивая) реклама soft sell —- тонкое (ненавязчивое) рекламирование; популяризация товара (путем бесед по радио и т. п.) 2. разг. разочарование, досада what a sell! —- какая досада!, как жаль! we were late for the lunch which was a sell —- досадно, что мы опоздали к завтраку 3. разг. обман, надувательство, "покупка" it was just a sell —- это была просто "покупка" 4. сл. предательство 5. сл. передача, выдача в руки властей 6. продать to sell a horse —- продать лошадь agreement to sell —- ком. соглашение о продаже to sell for a song (for nothing) —- отдать почти задаром, продать что-л. за бесценок to sell at best (at the market) —- бирж. продать по наиболее выгодной достижимой цене или по наилучшему достижимому курсу to sell one's life dearly —- дорого продать свою жизнь 7. торговать, продавать to sell on credit —- продавать в кредит to sell dear —- продавать дорого to sell forward, to sell for forward (for future) delivery —- продавать с будущей поставкой (на срок) to sell insurance —- страх. заключать страхование to sell subscriptions —- собирать подписку (на газеты и т. п.) to sell wholesale —- продавать оптом to sell time —- ам. предоставлять (за плату) возможность выступить по радио или...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I гл. 1) а) эк. продавать, реализовывать (отдавать товар, финансовый инструмент и т. п. другому лицу за определенную плату) to sell retail - продавать в розницу, to sell wholesale - продавать оптом, to sell smth. at (for) - продавать что-либо по (какой-либо цене), to sell through - продавать через, продавать с помощью, to sell through auction - продавать с аукциона, to sell through retail store (outlet) - продавать в розничной торговой точке, to sell through the Internet - продавать через Интернет, sell on quality, not price - "продавайте за счет качества, а не цены" (девиз американской фирмы "Джон Дир", выпускающей сельскохозяйственные машины) See: sell off sell out at a discount at a premium б) эк. продаваться, раскупаться, расходиться (о товаре) But the owner of said automobile most likely realizes that if he/she does not drop the price the car will never sell. - Но владелец указанного автомобиля, скорее всего, осознает, что если он не снизит цену, то машина никогда не будет продана. в) эк. торговать, вести торговлю г) общ. продавать, предавать (дело, родину и т. п.) 2) а) общ. внушать (какую-либо мысль); убеждать, уламывать How can I sell the idea to my boss? - Как я могу убедить в этом моего начальника? б) эк. содействовать продаже; рекламировать, продвигать; популяризовать, расхваливать (какой-либо товар, кандидата на...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  продавать, торговать sell at a loss — продавать с убытком - license to sell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
   I. verb  (sold; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German ~en to ~, Greek helein to take  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to deliver or give up in violation of duty, trust, or loyalty and especially for personal gain ; betray — often used with out ~ out their country  2.  a.  (1) to give up (property) to another for something of value (as money)  (2) to offer for sale  b. to give up in return for something else especially foolishly or dishonorably sold his birthright for a mess of pottage  c. to exact a price for sold their lives dearly  3.  a. to deliver into slavery for money  b. to give into the power of another sold his soul to the devil  c. to deliver the personal services of for money  4. to dispose of or manage for profit instead of in accordance with conscience, justice, or duty sold their votes  5.  a. to develop a belief in the truth, value, or desirability of ; gain acceptance for trying to ~ a program to the Congress  b. to persuade or influence to a course of action or to the acceptance of something ~ children on reading  6. to impose on ; cheat  7.  a. to cause or promote the sale of using television advertising to ~ cereal  b. to make or attempt to make sales to  c. to influence or induce to make a purchase  8. to achieve a sale of sold a million copies  intransitive verb  1. to dispose of something by sale thinks now is a good time to ~  2. to achieve a sale; also to achieve satisfactory sales hoped that the new line would ~  3. to have a specified price  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 1838  1. a deliberate deception ; hoax  2. the act or an instance of ~ing  3. something to be sold or caused to be accepted the new mystery novel was an easy ~; also someone to whom something is sold the new purchasing agent was a tough ~  III. noun  or ~e  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French sele, from Latin ~a — more at settle  Date: 15th century archaic saddle  IV. chiefly Scottish...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sells, selling, sold) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you sell something that you own, you let someone have it in return for money. I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books... His heir sold the painting to the London art dealer Agnews... The directors sold the business for ?14.8 million... It’s not a very good time to sell at the moment. VERB: V n, V n to n, V n for n, V 2. If a shop sells a particular thing, it is available for people to buy there. It sells everything from hair ribbons to oriental rugs... Bean sprouts are also sold in cans. VERB: V n, V n 3. If something sells for a particular price, that price is paid for it. Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value. VERB: V for/at n 4. If something sells, it is bought by the public, usually in fairly large quantities. Even if this album doesn’t sell and the critics don’t like it, we wouldn’t ever change... The company believes the products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas. VERB: V, V adv 5. Something that sells a product makes people want to buy the product. It is only the sensational that sells news magazines. ...car manufacturers’ long-held maxim that safety doesn’t sell. VERB: V n, V 6. If you sell someone an idea or proposal, or sell someone on an idea, you convince them that it is a good one. She tried to sell me the idea of buying my own paper shredder... She is hoping she can sell the idea to clients... An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future... You know, I wasn’t sold on this trip in the beginning. VERB: V n n, V n to n, V n on n, V-ed 7. If someone sells their body, they have sex for money. 85 per cent said they would rather not sell their bodies for a living. PHRASE: V and N inflect 8. If someone sells you down the river, they betray you for some personal profit or advantage. He has been sold down the river by the people who were supposed to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle sold 1 »GIVE STH FOR MONEY« to give something to someone in exchange for money  (If you offer them another thousand, I think they'll sell. | sell sth for -100/$50/30p etc)  (Toni's selling her car for -700. | sell sb sth/sell sth to sb)  (I'm not selling you my shares! | The vase was sold to an American buyer. | sell sth)  (Now he regrets selling all his old records. | sell sth at a profit/loss (=making or losing money on a sale))  (- opposite buy1) 2 »MAKE STH AVAILABLE« to offer something for people to buy  (Do you sell cigarettes? | a job selling advertising space) 3 sell at/for -100/$50/30p to be offered for sale at a particular price  (Smoke alarms sell for as little as five pounds.) 4 »MAKE STH ATTRACTIVE« to make people want to buy something  (Scandal sells newspapers. | sell sb sth/sell sth to sb (=persuade someone that they want to buy something))  (You have to go out and really sell the stuff, Leo.) 5 »SELL A LOT« to be bought by people in large numbers  (Tickets for the concert just aren't selling. | sell well/badly)  (Anti-age creams always sell well.) 6 sell like hotcakes to sell quickly and in large amounts 7 »IDEA/PLAN« to try to make someone accept a new idea or plan, or to become accepted  (It's all right for Washington, but will it sell in small-town America? | sell sb sth/sell sth to sb)  (Just try selling taxes to the voters | be sold on (doing) sth/be sold on the idea (=think an idea or plan is very good))  (Joe's completely sold on the concept - he thinks it's brilliant.) 8 sell yourself a) to be able to make yourself seem impressive to other people  (If you want a promotion, you've got to sell yourself better.) b) to do something that is against your principles in exchange for money or some other advantage 9 sell sb/sth short to not give someone or something the praise, attention, or reward that they deserve  (You're selling yourself short - tell them about all your qualifications.) 10 sell your body to have sex with someone for money 11 sell your...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. Societas Veterinariorum Finlandiae ( Finnish Veterinary Association) ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. sellan "to give," from P.Gmc. *saljanan, perhaps a causative form of the root of O.E. sala "sale." One of the first things a student of Old English has to learn is that the word that looks like sell usually means "give." Meaning "swindle" is from 1597. To sell (someone) down the river is first recorded 1927, but probably from slavery days, on notion of sale from the Upper South to the cotton plantations of the Deep South (attested in this literal sense since 1851). To sell like hot cakes is from 1839. To sell out "prostitute one's ideals or talents" is from 1888. Best-seller is from 1912. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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